As part of a programme to reduce its carbon footprint, the RSPB commissioned Solarsense to install roof-top solar photovoltaic systems at a number of its nature reserve centres.
The seven systems vary in size stretching from 5kWp to 24kWp and the sites are situated from Devon to Scotland.
The project was challenging in a number of ways and required a great deal of planning and coordination in order to pull off before the Feed in Tariff deadline.
RSPB Sites:
Aylesbeare, Devon Conwy, North Wales Newport Wetlands, South Wales Sandwell Valley, West Midlands Saltholme, Middlesbrough Skinflats, Scotland West Sedgemoor, Somerset.
Case Study
The RSPB solar photovoltaic systems
Conwy, North Wales
Newport Wetlands, South Wales
Saltholme, Middlesborough
Sandwell Valley, West Midlands