January 5, 2021NEWS

Update: The Brightwell – West of England MS Therapy Charity

Clean Energy: Charity Projects

The Brightwell – West of England MS Therapy Charity

Solarsense has partnered with The Brightwell. We will be working with the organisation over the next twelve months to improve their carbon footprint and reduce their on-going energy costs. This will help to ensure more funding can be allocated to helping their patients and the centre can continue to operate sustainably for years to come.

The Brightwell is home of the West of England MS Therapy Charity, which has been helping people with neurological conditions for more than 35 years. The centre helps 400 local people and offers oxygen therapy, physiotherapy, clinics, advice and support for those living with long-term chronic conditions such as; Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Stroke and Fibromyalgia. It is an invaluable lifeline for both its patients and their families.

The Centre receives no funding from the NHS and less than 1% of their costs are met by government schemes. The Centre and their members rely on donations and are hugely grateful for the generosity of community groups, businesses and individual fundraisers.


Project Green

The turmoil of the last few years has highlighted the need for the charity to become more sustainable, whilst minimising their operating costs. Many of the charities normal fundraising activities have been cancelled, cash donations ceased entirely and in-kind donations have faded away. With a wide range of equipment and facilities to run, including; a state of the art physiotherapy gym and oxygen therapy suite, the operating costs of the facility currently exceed £300,000 per year.

Solarsense has therefore partnered with The Brightwell; offering a life line for those suffering from neurological conditions. Solarsense will be working closely with the organisation to identify and implement a number of energy efficiency measures that will cut their operating costs considerably and for the long-term.

The key areas that have been identified in order to help the charity are; solar panels and LED lighting to offset the charities enormous electricity bills, an air source heat pump to reduce heating costs and EV charge points to help those with limited mobility.


Phase One – Solar Panels

Phase 1 for the Brightwell has now been completed. A specialist team from Solarsense has installed a refurbished 30kWp solar panel system, which was kindly donated by VINCI Facilities. The solar panels, which were removed from an office building (due for refurbishment), will generate 30,000kWh of clean electricity p/a; saving the charity around £4000 per year. As well as saving the charity vital funds, the clean energy system will offset 7,328kg of carbon emissions per year; significantly improving the organisations’ carbon footprint.

An enormous thanks to all those that contributed their time, effort and money to make this project a reality, including but not limited to; Sam (Total Access Scaffolding), Nick (XL Electrical), Rajiv (Alternergy), Kai (K2 Mounting Systems), David (CCL Components), Bryan (BMG Surveys) and Solis Inverters.

We are absolutely delighted that Steve Barrett and Solarsense have chosen The Brightwell as their Charity of the year for 2021. A donation of 114 Solar PV panels has already been installed on the roof of the Therapy Centre. A very smooth and professional installation from start to finish, no mess, no fuss and all over in 6 business days. We now have a 30kWp system which will reduce our reliance on the National Grid and decrease our energy bills by more than £4000 a year. Reducing our expenses will enable us to help even more people who live with long term debilitating neurological conditions. Doro Pasantes, Centre Manager – The Brightwell.


We need your help

Phase Two – LED Lighting, Heat Pump & EV Charging

With the charity witnessing diminishing donations due to the pandemic, we are looking for help with contributions towards this amazing cause. Any donation, big or small will go a long way in ensuring The Brightwell can continue their life saving work.

We are now fundraising towards Phase 2 of Project Green, which includes funding a heat pump, LED lighting and EV charge points. If you or your organisation would like to contribute or get involved in any way, please visit Project Green, where you will find more information. Alternatively if you would like to get involved in any other way, please get in touch with Doro Pasantes, Centre Manager here, who will be delighted with your support.


New solar panel system

30kWp Solar PV System

Annual Output: 30,000kWh Annual Financial Savings: £4000+    Annual Carbon Savings: 7,328kg


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