Moorhouse Lane Solar Park

The solar park consists of 7,176 solar panels and will produce enough electricity for around 500 homes per year.

Moorhouse Lane Solar Park - Case Study - Solarsense

  • Technology

    Solar PV Park


Low Carbon Gordano Limited is a form of co-operative called a Community Benefit Society, sometimes called a BenCom.

LCG’s purpose is to help the local community to reduce energy costs and become more sustainable by reducing carbon emissions. More specifically they aim to raise funds to enable them to install renewable energy systems and use the surplus income from these systems, via a Community Fund to enable work that reduces people’s energy consumption.


Moorhouse Lane Solar Park was officially opened by the Mayor of Bristol in 2015. The system is Bristol’s first ever community owned solar park and the cities’ largest solar panel array to date.

The solar park consists of 7,176 solar panels and will produce enough electricity for around 500 homes per year. The park was funded by Low Carbon Gordano via a community share offer, providing local investors a 7% return on their investments, whilst ‘greening’ the local energy infrastructure.

Solar farms provide excellent opportunities for enhancing biodiversity. Through on-going management and monitoring work the ecological resource provided by the Site will continue to increase with the development of a mosaic of species-rich damp grassland and tussock forming grassland areas set within a sensitively managed network of hedgerows and ditches. This habitat mosaic will support a wider range of plants and create an array of niches and micro habitats which will in turn increase the biodiversity value of the Site.


  • Feasibility study
  • DNO application
  • Planning permissions
  • Engineering, procurement & construction (EPC)
  • Monitoring, operations & maintenance


Moorhouse Solar Park offers a great opportunity for the citizens of Bristol to invest in our future with the prospect of a healthy return on investment.

George FergusonFormer Mayor of Bristol

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