Helios House Office

Helios House plays a part in the overall aim to transform the Solarsense head office into a regional centre of excellence for renewable energy.

Helios House Zero Carbon Office - Solarsense Case Study




    Askew Cavanna



  • Location

    North Somerset

  • Technology 1

    Integrated PV

  • Technology 4

    EV Charge Point

  • Technology 2

    Heat Pump

  • Technology 3

    LED Lighting

Helios House

Helios House plays a part in the overall aim to transform the Solarsense head office into a regional centre of excellence for renewable energy. The state-of-the-art building boasts an extensive array of fully integrated photovoltaic panels, solar PV roof lights, LED lighting, air source heat pump & electric vehicle charge-points.

Generating more energy than it consumes, the building provides an engaging environment for members of the businesses, architects and consultants to see how easy it is to incorporate renewable energy. Solarsense hold a number of seminars, open days and workshops on energy efficiency and renewable technologies to benefit the local community.

Zero Carbon Office

By practising what we preach, Solarsense has invested in a showcase building that utilises the latest renewable energy technology available for all homes and offices.

This exemplary project was accepted for a West of England Regional Growth fund and offers both an inspiring work environment and engaging real life case study for all businesses and homeowners considering the switch to clean energy.


Technologies installed

  • 12.85kWp GB Sol fully integrated in-roof solar PV system
  • Air source heat pump
  • Electric vehicle charge points
  • Solar powered bike shelter & electric bike charge point
  • LED lighting
  • App based control of lighting, heating, MVHR, roof windows via central mini server.


‘Helios House is an exemplary building to inspire and encourage others to take up the latest technology for reducing energy consumption. Transforming a brown field site with unattractive old buildings into the modern elegant offices that are here today shows what can be achieved. Producing three times more energy than we consume and with minimal heating requirements, this is the future for all homes and offices.’

Stephen Barrett – Director, Solarsense

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