Clark’s Village

With more than four million annual visitors the Clark’s Village solar PV system is a clear demonstration of the retail centre’s environmental commitment.

Clarks Village - Solar PV case study - Solarsense


    Clark's Village

  • Technology

    Solar PV

  • System Size


  • Estimated annual output


  • Annual CO2 savings

    37.8 tonnes

  • Modules


  • Inverter

    Power One

  • Roof type

    K2 rail system


Clarks Village is an outlet shopping village in Street, Somerset, England. It was established in 1993 on the site of old C&J Clark factory buildings.

With more than four million annual visitors the system is a clear demonstration of the retail centre’s environmental commitment.


As with many commercial solar installations the Clarks Village system needs to perform in terms of generation and also from a visual and environmental perspective.

By specifying Innotech solar modules, Solarsense were able to provide a system that met all of the client’s needs. With energy bill savings and FiT income combined, the first year value of the system to the business is more that £15,000. With RPI index linked income over 20 years the system is predicted to give a 19% ROI and payback in under six years.

Technologies installed

  • Solar PV panels

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