
Solarsense has installed 606 solar panels on the metal trapezoidal factory roof at the Roscomac Manufacturing Centre, West Sussex.

Roscomac - Manufacturing - Solar PV Case Study - Solarsense

  • Client


  • Sector


  • Location

    West Sussex

  • Technology

    Solar PV

  • Total system size


  • Number of PV modules


  • Annual output


  • Annual CO2 savings



Roscomac is an established specialist in high quality precision engineering, manufacturing a wide range of components and subassemblies using the latest CNC technology. Operating from their 2-acre industrial site in Worthing, West Sussex, the company employs over 100 staff producing a multi-million pound turnover.

Specialising in engineering for the aerospace, medical, defence and transport sectors; the company manufactures and supplies a huge range of equipment, ranging from medical equipment components for operating theatres to components for military aircraft and naval vessels.

Roscomac has recently invested £700K to improve their dedicated manufacturing site in Worthing. As part of the site upgrades, the original asbestos factory roof was over-clad with a new metal trapezoidal roof.


Whilst exploring options for their new factory roof, Roscomac approached Solarsense to investigate the benefits of installing solar PV panels. After a period of consultation, the decision became a no-brainer; not only could Roscomac mitigate the associated costs of their necessary roof upgrades, but also significantly improve the company’s bottom line through long-term energy savings – allowing the company to develop their other business growth strategies.

The 606-panel system is predicted to generate an annual output of 171,793kWh and save more than 103,706kg in CO2 emissions per year for the precision engineering company. As well as significantly improving the companies’ carbon footprint the solar panel system will payback all installation costs in just over 5-years, creating a net profit of more than £700,000 in less than 25-years.

For more information on the benefits for solar PV, please visit solar for the manufacturing sector.

System components installed

  • Panel Model: Trina 275W
  • Inverter Model: Solis

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